Thursday, December 20, 2007

Band Drama

As with all bands I suppose, there is drama. It seems that our band is no different. With the departure of Connor, I think everyone in the band asked themselves about the direction we should take the band. The ultimate decision came shortly after our denial for Battle of the Bands at BYU. Stephen felt that his vocals were lacking and to his credit and with much respect, he decided to bow out of the band if the other band members felt the same. Stephen had recorded some vocals and it was that recording that helped Steve and Will decide to audition some singers. We had a pretty good audition last night with a bass player and singer. Though the bass player is not what we are looking for, the singer seemed promising. We have another audition for a singer tonight and hope to have a new band soon. Keep checking back!!

1 comment:

Audrey said...

keep me posted! from your 36th fan.