Thursday, December 20, 2007

Band Drama

As with all bands I suppose, there is drama. It seems that our band is no different. With the departure of Connor, I think everyone in the band asked themselves about the direction we should take the band. The ultimate decision came shortly after our denial for Battle of the Bands at BYU. Stephen felt that his vocals were lacking and to his credit and with much respect, he decided to bow out of the band if the other band members felt the same. Stephen had recorded some vocals and it was that recording that helped Steve and Will decide to audition some singers. We had a pretty good audition last night with a bass player and singer. Though the bass player is not what we are looking for, the singer seemed promising. We have another audition for a singer tonight and hope to have a new band soon. Keep checking back!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Show Success

Thank you to everyone who came out to see us play at OZZ. We had a really good turn out and had a lot of fun. We love to play shows and love our fans showing support. We started Friday night trying out for Battle of the Bands at BYU. We followed some elevator music bands and a bass/drum combo band that sounded like Violent Femmes. When we got on stage, we set up our original equipment and they had a drum set for Will. He had to do a lot of tweaking to make it sound decent but it worked great. We had to play 3 songs. We rocked so hard and loud that people from the hallway were coming in to see us play. By the end of our set, we had about 15 people watching. The judges commented about how good we were and told us they would let us know by Wed. if we are in the show.
We went out to dinner as a band after that show and found out that Conner would like to keep playing with us until he goes on tour in April. After dinner, we caravaned to OZZ and unloaded our stuff. We were feeling pretty confident from the BYU show that we decided to play 7 songs instead of the 5 we originally thought. At show time, we again rocked the venue and had lots of people dancing in support.
If you didn't make this show, you have to be at the next one!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Good and Bad News

As you can read from our history, Crossing Columbia has had its share of musicians come and go through the band. Just when we thought we had a complete band, Connor was hired on to a new band as the lead guitarist. We are very excited for him because this new band of his is getting a record deal in January and touring in April '08. We know of his talent on the bass and we also know he is far more talented on the guitar. We wish him the best of luck and hope to see him in the future.

Unfortunately for us, we have to find another bassist. Connor is going to play our show on the 30th but after that, we will be holding open auditions for bassists. If interested, please call 801-705-5132.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Show In Provo

Come see us play at "The Loft at Ozz" in Provo on November 30th. There are 3 bands playing and the show starts at 8pm. I think we will either play first or second.

The Loft at OZZ
490 N. Freedom Blvd.
Provo, UT 84606
Cost: $5