Sunday, June 22, 2008

Velour 06/20/08

We were able to return to Velour Live for a great show Friday night. We played with some amazing bands; Spiral Diary and After Midnight. We didn't have as many come out as we did for the Battle of the Bands but we still had a great time.

Since this video went to Youtube, the sound doesn't match up. I will try to fix it.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Better Than Winning?

What would be better than winning Battle of the Bands? Well, we just got a call from Velour Live's owner, Corey, and he is having a production company come through the club and he needed to fill a show on short notice on June 20th. He called us first to play and so we will be back at Velour next weekend to play a scheduled show with some headlining bands. We are very excited. Anyone who didn't make it out to our Battle show must come to our next show. We had so much fun at Velour, we know you will enjoy yourself and we promise to rock your socks off.

Thank you to all

Thanks to all who came out in support or voiced support in our playing the Battle of the Bands. We had a great turn out of over 50 people just for us. Thank you again. We unfortunatly did not win the night or the opportunity to play Saturday but we had an amazing time at an amazing venue and hope to play there soon with a longer than 25 min set list. Please to enjoy the pictures:

Monday, June 2, 2008

Battle of the Bands at VELOUR LIVE 06/11/08

We have been invited to play the ever exclusive summer Battle of the Bands at Velour Live. This is one of the coolest if not the coolest venues in Utah for local bands. We hope and plan to play here for a full show very soon. It again is all ages with absolutely no alcohol or smoking allowed so please come and help us make it to the finale. One band wins every night and we play Wednesday June 11th. If we win Wed, we get to play Saturday for a chance at winning it all.

Doors open at 8pm and it looks like we play second so we will be on around 8:30 or 9pm. Tickets are sold at the door for $5. Each person gets a voting card so make sure you come and vote for us. As always, contact us with questions.